How to support us.
All donations to P.U.R.E. Girls, Inc support members through book scholarships to offset some of the cost when heading to college.
Make a donation.
Your donation supports our members who will be heading off to college in the upcoming Fall semester. Each member who has participated in our program for 2 or more years will receive a book scholarship.
We also continue to provide book scholarships to previous members who are still attending college.
Help us reach our goal of $2,000 for this upcoming Giving Tuesday 2022..
For questions about donating, please email us at

$25 donation allows one girl to receive a one month P.U.R.E. Girls activity box for FREE while also supporting our college book scholarship

$50 donations supports our college book scholarship and the “Support Your Dream Now” initiative.

$100 donation supports our college book scholarship and our “Support Your Dream Now” initiative.