P.U.R.E Girls, Inc. Blog and Podcasts
Check back often for updated blogs and podcasts. We love sharing educational posts and inviting guest speakers.

Enough is Enough
We’ve all been there—caught in the cycle of excuses, distractions, and endless obstacles that seem to keep us from achieving our goals. But at some point, you have to draw the line and say, “Enough is enough.”
If you’re tired of spinning your wheels and getting nowhere, it’s time to shift your mindset, remove the roadblocks, and get things done.

Be the First
In today’s episode, I talk about being the first person within your family or friend circle to go after a goal or dream that no one around you has done. Being the first to do something is scary, because you don’t have a blueprint on how to achieve it. And because you would be the first, you will probably make a ton of mistakes.
Tune in and hear how we guide you to being comfortable while being uncomfortable.

Stay Ten Toes Down
In today’s episode, I talk about how being committed to your dreams can pay off for you. Regardless of what others are saying or how people will make you feel when you share your idea or dream with them, you remain ten toes down. Staying ten toes down is not an easy thing to do. Many thoughts come in your mind when you sit back and really think about how much courage and fight it is going to take in order to see your dreams come true.

Pick It Back Up
It’s hard to start something then pick it up back up later. Many times when we start something and take a break from doing it, we start to convince ourselves that maybe we aren’t suppose to do it. In today’s episode we talk about how to overcome that thought and how to move forward with your idea/goal/business!