In today’s episode, I talk about being the first person within your family or friend circle to go after a goal or dream that no one around you has done. Being the first to do something is scary, because you don’t have a blueprint on how to achieve it. And because you would be the first, you will probably make a ton of mistakes.

But the one thing I have learned while on my non-profit organization journey is that God is leading and guiding me always. I truly believe that God has me on this solo journey for a great purpose. Every lesson and mistake are things that I share with others to prevent them from making the same mistakes I did.

I can’t lie, being the first is lonely and sometimes frustrating, because you have to do everything by yourself and some may even criticize you while you are working on your goal. You must understand that not everyone is going to understand your logic and reasoning on how you want to do things. Another thing I have learned is when God gives you something that has never been done before within your family, its because He wants you to be the first to fulfill the assignment.

I really enjoyed recording this episode, it was something that God put on my heart for me and others to hear. I challenge you to embrace being the first and see where it takes you.

To watch the full episode, please click here .


Look Good, Feel GoodBe Good


Trust the Idea