Have you ever had a wild and crazy idea and thought to yourself “Nah that is wild and crazy.  I could never do that”?  Have you?  If you did, you are not alone.  God has a cool way of communicating with us.  He communicates through our hearts, minds, and other people.  In today’s blog, I want to share with you what you should do when those wild and crazy ideas come across your brain. 

 Step 1:  Write it Down

If you are at school or home and an amazing idea comes to you.  My first suggestion would be to write it down.  Look at it for a minute and visualize yourself doing or being the exact thing.  Before you share it with others, just continue to look at what you thought and begin to think about the many steps that it will take in order to accomplish the idea.  I would also suggest that you look at it for a few days before sharing the ideas with others and I will tell you why later in the blog.  


Step 2:  Write the action plan 

Once you have the vision.  It’s now time to write the action plan.  Let’s say you want to get better grades for the 3rd and 4th marking period.  Here is a trick on how I write my action plan.  

Step 1 - ask your teacher what your current grade is

Step 2 - write down the grade goal that you are trying to reach

Step 3 - create a study routine (put all distractions away and focus on studying the information)

Step 4 - ask friends in your class if they would like to create a google meet study group

Step 5 - remain faithful that your hard work will pay off

Step 6 

Step 7 

.Goal:  A higher grade in your class 

As you can see all the steps are not filled in and that’s ok.  When God gives you a vision, He won’t lay out the entire process for you.  All you need to do is start with step 1 and once you complete step 1 He will give you an idea on what’s next.  After you complete the steps you will look back and realize that you were working and completing your action plan.  Yes, it’s scary to not have the full directions, but He will never leave you nor forsake you.  

Step 3:  Share with those close to you

When it comes time to share your idea with others, be prepared for negative opinions and thoughts.  Those opinions will come from family and friends…shocking right?!  But it’s true it may be hard to convince someone that your wild crazy idea may actually work.  Which makes it important for you to be confident in your decision to prevent someone’s negative thoughts from jumping on to you.  To prevent the negative thoughts from persuading you about your idea, pray about your decision and ask God to allow you to remain confident in your decision.

Step 4:  Get to Work

Again, you won’t have all the steps laid out, but just start with step 1.  I can guarantee once you finish step 1, you will know what to do next.  My advice throughout this entire process is to continue writing things down.  Ideas will come to you at a quick pace and what you want to avoid is operating out of order or moving forward too quickly without thinking the idea through.  Also, set a routine/schedule on when you plan to work on your idea.  With school, work, activities adding something new to your plate may be exhausting or overwhelming. But always remember God will never give you more than you can bear.  

I know this blog post was a little deep, but I want you to understand that literally whatever positive idea God puts in your head.  It’s something that He thinks you can do.  You have to learn to trust God with EVERYTHING.  Take it from me, He has given me some CRAZY ones and I sometimes look at them with a side eye, but I then begin to think…Wow, What if?  

I hope you enjoyed today’s blog and talk to you in the next one!  


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